Hi friends!
Just a quick update. Last night I finished the first draft of the second book in the Cryptid Chronicles trilogy. It's still a long way from being ready, but this is the biggest step, and it's now behind me. Next step for it is a line edit, which is the absolute worst. But that's okay I won't start that till next year. I've got other things on my docket and before I can start tearing through it again, I need some critical distance. So, I'll be moving on to another, project that I've been developing. But before even that, Nanowrimo starts on Monday. I've already got some really great ideas and notes so we'll see how that develops. Other news is the first book of the Cryptid Chronicles, Here Be Monsters. A few friends are reading it as we speak and soon I'll get notes back. Then, it's off to my amazing editor, Janel Baker - Editor, for a final buff and polish. Here Be Monsters is right on track for an early 2022 release. I'll be honest with you. It's strange, especially for my Cryptid Chronicles series. It took me ten years to get a draft of Here Be Monsters that I was happy enough with to call it done. Then another three years before I was comfortable with anyone else reading it. Now it's been read by Janel Baker - Editor and is in the hands of two other people I trust the book with. It's been a long road, getting from there to here. But I'm really proud of what the series is becoming. By comparison Book Two of the trilogy took three years to write a first draft. It'll be another year before it's polished too but it's really coming along. Book Three is still about forty pages of notes, and a wall mounted timeline but it's coming together too. And there's plenty of other stories rambling around that I can't wait for you guys to get into. Moral of the story, it's really, freaking weird to start seeing a long arc story that I've been buried deep in for more than a decade start coming toward it's conclusion. But it's also really and amazing feeling. I guess, now that the second book is off to it's next stages, I'm feeling a little nostalgic about it. There's a big shift in Book Two and I love that for it. But there a long road still ahead. Remember: You are seen; you are loved; you matter! *Bonus points if you can point out the nerd lyrics in this blog post.
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